New in Studio
The latest Frequency Studio software releases.
Studio-5.30 (2025-01-23)
STUDIO | Content Rights Date & Time Pickers
Date and time pickers have been added to Content Rights fields.
MANAGE | TMS ID Management
Users can now add and manage TMS IDs associated to their content.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio-5.29 (2025-01-14)
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio-5.28 (2024-12-19)
STUDIO | Multiple Image Variants
This release includes support for upload and management of multiple image variants. This includes 16x9, 2x3, 4x3, 3x4, 5x9, 1x1, and 4x1 aspect ratios. Furthermore, users can now describe whether these images contain text or not. These enhancements allow distributors to further customize user experiences.
SCHEDULE | Schedule Blocks Enhancements
Repeat Scheduling, including all repeat scheduling functions, and Add Schedule Block options have been added to the Schedule Block experience. This creates parity between Schedule and Schedule Blocks to promote further scheduling automation.
MANAGE | Detect Cue Points
The ability to detect cue points is available in the video details page for MANAGE Admins. By using the "Detect Cue Points" button for videos, users can now automatically detect cue points for their videos. This helps during the ad break insertion process.
SCHEDULE | Reprogramming with Internal Title
Internal Title can now optionally be set when reprogramming existing programs while scheduling. This creates parity between reprogramming in Schedule and bulk creation of Programs using Program Templates.
MANAGE | Default Ad Pod Duration
When creating a new program, the default ad pod duration is now 120 seconds instead of 30 seconds. This aligns more realistically with actual ad pod durations.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.27 (2024-12-11)
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.26 (2024-11-14)
STUDIO | Rights Management
Rights Management allows Users to enter multiple availability windows for each video, with the ability to specify Maximum Play Counts and Licensed or Excluded Territories. Integration with Scheduling activities and real-time exception reporting enhances compliance, reduces manual efforts, and optimizes scheduling decisions.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Rights Management Ingestion
Users can now ingest Rights Management via the UI. MRSS and S3 CSV Ingestion is coming soon.
Rights Filtering & Management
Users can filter by availability start and end dates, licensed or excluded territories, and maximum and remaining play counts. They can also manage Rights metadata for individual videos or in bulk.
Automated Compliance & Exception Warnings
When scheduled videos are non-compliant Users are presented with a warning within SCHEDULE to either update the Rights metadata or choose programming that is compliant. Videos can be automatically filtered to ensure 100% compliance.
Compliance Alerts
Users are alerted within their CONNECT dashboard of Rights compliance issues. This allows Users to maintain compliance and reduce risk of infractions.
Studio 5.25 (2024-09-03)
MANAGE | Programs Filter
Users can now filter for videos that have “Any” programs associated to them.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.24 (2024-08-07)
SCHEDULE | Reprogramming
Program Templates can now be reapplied to selected content on the schedule to adjust it's duration while scheduled. This allows for making large adjustments to your schedule's duration, ad load and interstitials without having to remove and re-add all the programs.
SCHEDULE | Column/Row selection
Programs can now be selected by entire rows and columns by clicking at the top or left side of the schedule where the selection is to be made. Multiple columns and rows can be selected at once.
SCHEDULE | Add Program
Fixed an issue when adding programs that wasn't correctly selecting the seconds for start time.
INGEST | Video Upload
Non-16x9 videos are now supported in manual uploads in addition to other ingest paths.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.23 (2024-07-11)
SCHEDULE | Live Recording Options
Studio now supports the Live Recording option to only save the recorded video if there were ad breaks during the recording. When this option is enabled, recorded videos are discarded unless they have ad breaks during the duration of the recording.
MANAGE | Interstitial Collections
Additional Content Types are now supported for Interstitial Collections. The list of available values are now the same as when choosing Content Types for videos.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.22 (2024-06-12)
MANAGE | Program Templates
Program Templates are re-usable program patterns that are used to create linear programs. With Program Templates, the effort of creating Programs prior to scheduling is reduced by up to 95%.
Creating and Managing Program Templates
Users can configure parameters for program components such ad pods, interstitials, and time fill.
Creating Programs Using Program Templates
These patterns are used to create programs based on the availability of a video’s cue points and additional business logic.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.21 (2024-05-29)
STUDIO | Performance Optimizations
Performance improvements to the dynamic loading for ANALYZE.
SCHEDULE | VOD Scheduling
Fixed an issue where the Cut option instead of the Copy option was displaying for past programs.
Default time for new VOD programs is now the current time instead of defaulting to 12:00.
INGEST | Filtering & Error Messaging
Set a threshold of 6 filter options before a “View more…” link becomes available.
Added additional information in the mouseover popups for Feeds that failed ingest due to technical errors.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.20 (2024-05-22)
STUDIO | Performance Optimizations
Performance improvements to the dynamic loading for ACCOUNT and CONNECT.
SCHEDULE | Repeat Scheduling
The weekly pattern now supports start and end time selection.
Weekly now correctly adds all the programs to the selected end date.
Weekly now correctly skips over existing programs when the option is selected.
SCHEDULE | User Roles
Fixed an issue where the SCHEDULE Manager role could not remove programs from the schedule.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.19 (2024-05-10)
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.18 (2024-05-03)
SCHEDULE | Hybrid Scheduling
Transformation channels can schedule VOD/Live programs
Preview external programming as well as internal programming
EPG shows combined final viewing experience of all types of programs
Add Program to selected start time and duration of selected program
MANAGE | Improved Filtering
Added the ability to specify both an availability start date range and a separate expiration date range in video search.
INGEST | Performance Optimizations
Ingest now loads significantly faster and will now automatically refresh any of its pages every 30 seconds.
CONNECT | Override Playout Validation
There is now validation that the stream being used for overriding playout is valid and playable, to prevent any switchovers to a bad stream.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.17 (2024-04-18)
INGEST | Video Filtering
The videos tab now supports scrolling to display a larger number of feeds when filtering.
SCHEDULE | Edit Block Functions
The cut, copy, paste and delete functions are now supported when creating or editing a schedule block.
SCHEDULE | Live Notifications Bar
Scheduled and current live events will now display in a bar along the top of Frequency Studio. Click the status bar to expand details on each event, and click on the event to take you directly to it on the Schedule. Click the status bar to expand and view items which require action to start and stop a live event.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.16 (2024-03-27)
SCHEDULE | Scheduled Manual Live Switching
Users are now able to manage live programming using an improved manual switching workflow and with lower latency.
Live Feed Preparation: Scheduled Live Programs with Manual Switching can be Prepared in advance to enable quick playout switching to the live feed. Users are able to Prepare a live feed for manual switching up to 30 minutes prior to the scheduled Start time, or Frequency Studio would automatically trigger live feed preparation 30 minutes in advance based on the scheduled Start time.
When preparing a live feed for live switching, this process may take about a minute to provision live feed receivers. A progress bar is shown to the user to indicate the estimated remaining time until completion.
When a live feed is ready for live switching, the user can Start live and switch the channel’s playout to the live feed with high accuracy (within 4 seconds of the video shown in the Live Feed Preview).
The Live Feed Playout preview comes from the Live receiver’s output rather than the original live feed source to minimize video preview latency for improved live switching accuracy.
New Manual Switch UI: Users can now manage the manual switch to live in the tab “Manual Switch” within the Live Program details modal. This replaces the existing workflow where the user would do so from the Broadcast pane side toolbar with the new workflow which can be found in the Live Program details modal in the Manual Switch tab, after a program has been saved with automatic switching turned off.
SCHEDULE | Playout Override Live Programs Visualization
As part of a recent release, a Live Program is automatically added to the channel’s schedule when an Unscheduled Live Event is triggered from Playout Override. We have enhanced how we display in-progress Live Events when we do not yet know the end time by showing a dummy end time of 1 hour from the current playhead position.
SCHEDULE | Scheduled Automatic Live Switching
The “Start & End as Scheduled“ switch is now called “Automatic Switching“. When it is turned on, a live program will start and end at the scheduled time. An automatic switching program’s duration can be modified and saved even after the program has already started. Reducing the duration of an Automatic Switching program until the channel’s playhead is at or before the program’s end time will end the program immediately. The “End Broadcast“ button has been removed.
Frequency Administrators are now able to choose to record Live Programs that are scheduled for Automatic Switching. To do so, the toggle “Record Program” must be enabled in advance of the Start time. Additional configuration is required when recording a Live Program:
Since recorded Live Programs creates a new video found in MANAGE, additional metadata must be provided for Brand and Content Format. For special scenarios, optional metadata can be added such as Series, Content Type, Rating Descriptors, and Keywords. When setting a Series for the recording, the system would automatically set a season and episode number for each Live event in order to support episodic sequencing. The system would set the season to the current Year (4 digits, e.g. “2024”) and episode to the current month-day (e.g.: 130).
When recording videos, SCTE-35 ad markers are detected and ad slates are removed from the final asset. These ad break positions are then adjusted and stored as cue points for future ad pod insertion for the video.
Recorded videos are ingested and can be reviewed in MANAGE.
There are changes to metadata fields for Live Programs:
Custom Metadata (new): This new field can be used to store any data for custom use as text or JSON. This value for this field flows through to the channel’s EPG outputs.
Required Fields: Description, Country of Origin, Parental Rating, Genre, Language, and Artwork are now required fields, consistent with the same metadata fields requirements as non-Live video content today. By default, the channel’s artwork is used and can be replaced by a HD-resolution 16:9 aspect ratio PNG or JPG asset.
CONNECT | Unscheduled Live Playout Override
Similar to the new Scheduled Manual Live switching, Unscheduled Live Playout Overrides now also support the ability to Prepare live feeds for quick-switching. When setting up for bulk channel Playout Override, the user can trigger live feed receiver provisioning using the Prepare button.
When performing an Unscheduled Live Playout Override, a schedule entry is now automatically added to the impacted channels. The Title and Description of this entry can be customized. Key details:
The Live Program Start time would be based on the actual Playout Override switch time.
The End time and Duration of the added Live Program is undetermined while a Playout Override is active (not yet concluded).
The End Time and Duration of the added Live Program will reflect the actual end time and total runtime when a Live Playout Override concludes (Restored to Scheduled Content).
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.15 (2024-03-20)
SCHEDULE | Playout Override Live Programs Visualization
As part of a recent release, a Live Program is automatically added to the channel’s schedule when an Unscheduled Live Event is triggered from Playout Override. We have enhanced how we display in-progress Live Events when we do not yet know the end time by showing a dummy end time of 1 hour from the current playhead position.
Studio 5.14 (2024-03-14)
SCHEDULE | Export to CSV
When exporting a channel’s schedule as CSV, we have added and adjusted certain fields in the export:
Program ID
Season Number
Episode Number
Duration (now in seconds)
SCHEDULE | Updated Program Colors
We have updated the colors used for Program types to meet accessibility guidelines.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.26 (2024-09-??)
STUDIO | Licensing Rights Management
Licensing Rights management allows Users to enter multiple availability windows for each video, with the ability to specify Maximum Play Counts and Licensed or Excluded Territories. Integration with Scheduling activities and real-time exception reporting enhances compliance, reduces manual efforts, and optimizes scheduling decisions.
INGEST | Licensing Rights Metadata Ingestion
Users can now ingest licensing rights metadata via the UI. MRSS and S3 CSV Ingestion is coming soon.
MANAGE | Availability Filtering & Metadata Management
Users can filter by availability start and end dates, licensed or excluded territories, and maximum and remaining play counts.
SCHEDULE | Automated Compliance and Exception Warnings
When scheduled videos are non-compliant Users are presented with a warning within SCHEDULE to either update the Licensing Rights Metadata or choose programming that is compliant with granted Licensing Rights. Videos can be automatically filtered to ensure 100% compliance.
CONNECT | Compliance Alerts
Users are alerted within their CONNECT dashboard of Licensing Rights compliance issues. This allows Users to maintain compliance and reduce risk of infractions.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.12 (2024-02-29)
MANAGE | Video Results
When the user previews a video’s details and returns back to the video results, the videos will retain its original order. This allows users to resume working on the list of preloaded video results, specifically useful when working through multiple pages.
SCHEDULE | Broadcast Preview Player
When previewing the live feed for a channel, the icons have been cleaned up for the video player. The user has the control for toggling Full Screen, Volume, and Subtitles.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.11 (2024-02-20)
SCHEDULE | Repeat Scheduling
This release includes support and bug fixes related to additional Repeat Scheduling configurations when using a combination of Restrict by Time, Until Date, and Overlap vs. Skip Over. The user is now able to schedule programs using new complex patterns related to day-parting with date ranges and exception handling.
Studio | User Roles
We updated the granularity of tool functionalities for non-Manager users. Certain buttons and options are no longer shown in the user interface for users without permissions to perform those activities.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.10 (2024-01-31)
SCHEDULE | Schedule Blocks Sorting
Schedule Blocks are now sorted by Newest by default. This allows the user to quickly see the latest Schedule Block at the top of the list for faster scheduling.
SCHEDULE | Export Schedule
Channel schedules can now be exported as data in CSV in additional to visually as PDF. To export as CSV, click on the “Export to CSV” at the bottom right of the screen. The exported file would contain all the entries which is currently loaded in the tool for the channel, including longer periods than a week if the user has navigated across multiple weeks.
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.9.1 (2024-01-29)
CONNECT | Playout Override (Live)
When overriding playout with a Live feed, a schedule entry for the Live Program is automatically to the affected channels. The user is able to optionally set a Title and Description for the added Live Program.
The end time for the Live Program is only determined once the Playout Override has concluded. However, the EPG output would temporarily show an end time 3 hours into future for the live Program until the actual end time is determined.
If Title or Description is not customized by the user, the default value used would be “Live Program” for either fields.
Studio 5.9.0 (2024-01-25)
INGEST | Custom Connector and Live Recording Videos
Two additional classifications are now available for videos ingested via Live Recording and Custom Connector. The two new classes are now filterable and shown in the Videos tab within INGEST:
DVR - Videos ingested from recording of Live Programs
CC - Videos ingested from a custom ingestion integration (Custom Connector)
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.
Studio 5.8.0 (2024-03-07)
This update includes general improvements and bug fixes.