HLS Asset Metadata
Frequency has the ability to condition HLS manifests to include Asset Metadata for advanced ad decisioning at the content-level. Below are the specifications for asset metadata when channel HLS outputs are enabled with this feature.
Marker Type | Description | Positioning | Purpose |
#EXT-X-ASSET | Content-level metadata | During ad breaks | Improve programmatic ad decisioning
Field Name | Description | Type | URI Encode | |
CONTENT_ID | Frequency Video ID | String | Yes | Yes |
CONTENT_PROGRAMID | Frequency Linear Program ID | String | Yes | No |
CONTENT_EXTID | External Video ID | String | Yes | No |
CONTENT_LEN | Linear Program Duration (in seconds) | Integer | No | Yes |
CONTENT_BRAND | Frequency Brand Name | String | Yes | No |
CONTENT_GENRE | Frequency Genre | String | Yes | Yes |
CONTENT_CONTENTRATING | Parental Rating (such as MPAA rating value) | String | Yes | Yes |
CONTENT_LANGUAGE | Language (ISO-639-1-alpha-2) | String | Yes | Yes |
CONTENT_KEYWORDS | Keywords (comma-separated) | String | Yes | Yes |
CONTENT_TITLE | Linear Program Title | String | Yes | Yes |
CONTENT_FORMAT | Frequency Content Format | String | Yes | No |
CONTENT_SERIES | Series Name | String | Yes | Yes |
CONTENT_SEASON | Season number; blank if none | String | Yes | Yes |
CONTENT_EPISODE | Episode Number; blank if none | IInteger | No | Yes |
CONTENT_CONTEXT | Use 1 for Videos | Integer | No | Yes |
CONTENT_PRODQ | Use 1 for Professionally Produced | Integer | No | Yes |
HLS Chunklist Example
#EXT-OATCLS-SCTE35:/DAlAAAAAyiYAP/wFAUAAIMRf+/+0bb+Av4AUmNiAAEBAQAAM5uUog== #EXT-X-ASSET:CONTENT_ID="2447371",CONTENT_FREQID="4312662727378189181",CONTENT_EXTID="ABC12345-oo0021-h4c3d",CONTENT_LEN=3600,CONTENT_BRAND="Publisher%20ABC",CONTENT_GENRE="Entertainment",CONTENT_RATING="TV14",CONTENT_LANGUAGE="en",CONTENT_KEYWORDS="key1,word2,%20cool",CONTENT_TITLE="Best%20Fails%20of%20the%20Month%20|EP%20203",CONTENT_FORMAT="Show",CONTENT_SERIES="Best%20Fails%20of%20the%20Month",CONTENT_SEASON="Season%202",CONTENT_EPISODE=3,CONTENT_CONTEXT=1,CONTENT_PRODQ=1 #EXT-X-CUE-OUT:60
SSAI Ad Tag With Macro Example
https://ad.decisioning.server/ads? tag_id=442345 &ip=[session.ip] &did=[player_params.did] &duration=[scte.duration] &resolution=1080p &corr=[session.random] &content_id=[asset.CONTENT_FREQID] &content_genre=[asset.CONTENT_GENRE] &content_title=[asset.CONTENT_TITLE] &content_brand=[asset.CONTENT_BRAND] &content_duration=[asset.CONTENT_LEN] &content_series=[asset.CONTENT_SERIES] &content_season=[asset.CONTENT_SEASON] &content_episode=[asset.CONTENT_EPISODE]