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Frequency Documentation

MRSS Ingestion

MRSS feeds offer flexibility in metadata and automation of ingestion. Frequency supports standard MRSS delivery as specified by the RSS Advisory Board, accommodating custom integrations from other vendors. Refer below for the required specifications for media, metadata, and an example MRSS feed.

Required MRSS Metadata




Media URL

The video asset being ingested.

  • Supported file extensions: mp4, avi, mov, mpg, mxf, mkv

  • Minimum 1280x720 resolution

  • 16:9 Aspect Ratio

<media:content url="" />

Image URL

The image representing the video asset.

  • Supported file extensions: jpg, png, webp

  • Minimum 1280x720 resolution

  • 16:9 Aspect Ratio

<media:thumbnail url="" />


A brief, descriptive title of the asset.

<title>My Favorite Show</title>


A detailed description for the asset that will display in the EPG information.

<description>A new user enjoys Frequency Studio!</description>


A globally unique identifier for your asset. This can also be a static URL.

  • Must be a unique value for every video in your feed


Optional MRSS Metadata

Frequency supports various custom metadata. Refer to "Managing Series Metadata " for additional asset info and "Metadata Definitions" Metadata Definitions" for accepted values. Custom values can map to Frequency metadata.Managing Series Metadata




Series Title

Title for a series. Unrecognized titles are added to database

 <frequency:seriesTitle>My New Series</frequency:seriesTitle>

Series GUID

Global Unique Identifier for the series. Consistent across systems for record keeping.


Series Description

Series description. Ingested first time a unique series is seen.

 <frequency:seriesDescription>A succinct one or two sentence description.</frequency:seriesDescription>

Series Image

A 16x9 image representing the series. Shows title clearly.

<frequency:seriesThumbnail url="" />

Season Number

Part of season video is in. Ingested first time a unique season is seen.


Season Title

The title for the season.

 <frequency:seasonTitle>Special Season</frequency:seasonTitle>

Episode Number

The episode that this video is a part of the season of. Will be ingested the first time a unique episode is seen.


Episode TItle

The title for the episode.

<frequency:episodeTitle>Special Episode</frequency:episodeTitle>

Closed Captions

URL to closed caption file. Supported formats: SRT, VTT

<media:subTitle href=" />


A two level hierarchy to categorize content. Including only a Genre is also supported. Multiple genre tags can be sent through.



Identify cue points in milliseconds. Ad insertion points in video.



Searchable terms for content description. Useful for creating playlists

<media:keywords>Jason Alexander,NBC</media:keywords


The intended country of origin or distribution. This determines accepted parental ratings values based on country advisory board standards. Please use the ISO 3166standard 2 letter country codes.


Parental Rating

This should represent the minimum age required to watch this content according to the region the content is distributed.


Content Format

Separates major content types.


Content Type

Describes video theme across categories. This is the pattern, motif, or theme of the video.



Official release production or cut of the video.



Describes if video is part of a superset.


Date Available/Date Expired

Identifies rights availability for distribution.


Custom Metadata

Open text field for custom integrations.

<frequency:custom>Any data is acceptable.</frequency:custom>

Example MRSS

Download this sample XML file here: frequency-mrss-sample.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:frequency="" xmlns:media="" version="2.0">
      <title>RSS Title</title>
      <description>This is an example of an RSS feed</description>
         <title>The Contest</title>
         <description>George's mother throws her back out when she falls down after catching George performing a personal act; the gang partakes in a contest of self-denial. </description>
         <pubDate>Wed, 18 Nov 1992 18:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
         <guid isPermaLink="false">13o4hkhsf823</guid>
            <media:content url="" fileSize="12216320" type="video/mp4" medium="video" bitrate="2500" channels="2" duration="1380" height="720" width="1280" lang="en" />
            <media:thumbnail url="" width="1280" height="720" time="12:05:01.123" />
                        <media:subTitle type="application/srt" lang="en" href=""/>
         <media:category scheme="">Comedy/Sitcom,TV/Comedy</media:category>
         <media:keywords>Seinfeld,Jason Alexander,NBC</media:keywords> 
         <media:rating scheme="urn:v-chip">TVPG</media:rating>
         <frequency:cut>Full Length</frequency:cut>
         <frequency:seriesTitle>My New Series</frequency:seriesTitle>
         <frequency:seriesDescription>A succinct one or two sentence description.</frequency:seriesDescription>
         <frequency:seriesThumbnail url="" />
         <frequency:seasonTitle>Special Season</frequency:seasonTitle>
         <frequency:episodeTitle>Special Episode</frequency:episodeTitle>
         <frequency:custom>Any data is acceptable.</frequency:custom>
         <title>Title of media2</title>
         <description>Description of media</description>
         <pubDate>Sun, 06 Sep 2009 16:20:00 +0000</pubDate>
         <guid isPermaLink="false">13o4hkhsf923</guid>
         <frequency:lastModified>Sun, 06 Sep 2009 16:20:00 +0000</frequency:lastModified>
            <media:content url="" fileSize="12216320" type="video/mp4" medium="video" isDefault="true" expression="full" bitrate="128" framerate="25" samplingrate="44.1" channels="2" duration="185" height="720" width="1280" lang="en" />
            <media:thumbnail url="" width="1280" height="720" />
            <media:subTitle type="application/srt" lang="en" href=""/>
         <frequency:contentType>Stand Up</frequency:contentType>
         <frequency:cut>Full Length</frequency:cut>
         <media:rating scheme="urn:v-chip">TV-PG</media:rating>
         <media:category scheme="">TV/Comedy</media:category>
         <media:keywords>Jerry Seinfeld,George Costanza,</media:keywords>